C.reated A.rts M.inistry P.rogram (C.A.M.P.)
what is camp
The purpose of CAMP is to prepare and equip God’s people to use the arts as a tool in their communities to bring healing, hope, and the light of Jesus. It is designed to train leaders to guide groups of people or individuals through an artistic process that is encouraging and restorative to the soul.
how long does camp training take
Online training allows you to take C.A.M.P. at your own pace. You can go as slowly or quickly as you desire. Once you purchase and receive access to the training, you can go through the videos and exercises as many times as needed. Many facilitators have gone through it several times for a refresher! It can be completed in a full weekend or as slowly as you like. The training takes place on the online teaching platform Teachable and all payment is done through their platform.
what will be covered in camp
The first thing you will experience in the online program is a Created session yourself! It's hard to learn something you haven't yet experienced so your video will begin with Ashley facilitating a pre-lead session for you to reflect on. This session and the structure she uses to facilitate will show you the backbone of the CAMP training and principles. The rest of the training videos will help equip you in some of the following ways as you learn how to facilitate sessions on your own:
-the value of being still and listening to the Holy Spirit
-thinking outside the box
-learning to facilitate creative sessions for groups
-practicing curriculum and ideas
-being sensitive to emotional needs
-working with different art supplies
-practical ministry skills
-brainstorming ways to use this ministry and gifts in your context
-personal coaching time through Zoom available after training
what will i walk away with
-Confidence! (It was in you all along:)
-Become a certified Created arts facilitator*
-Training to take arts ministry anywhere you go
-a new like-minded community of faith to walk with
-collaboration with Facebook group made up of facilitators
-continued access to training, curriculum and ongoing resources (even occasional events!)
is this the same as art therapy
No! Although there are some basic art therapy principles that can be applied anytime we use the arts as a way to connect with people, this is not a certification in art therapy. The certification is primarily to equip you, and to give you a backbone of training in ministry. If desired, we can provide you a letter of certification to submit to any community leaders or pastors that occasionally like to see that you have received some type of instruction and collaboration.
what can i do with this
*You CAN:
Facilitate art ministry sessions with believers, non- believers, groups and individuals. The possibilities are endless as to how you can use these basic tools to come up with a beautiful pathway for those in your community to experience the love of Jesus. If you need help after training to brainstorm possibilities please reach out.
-call yourself an art therapist (unless you have gotten your degree for it)
-sell any of the resources provided to you
-use the name Created Ministry unless permission is asked in advanced (We encourage you to come up with your own name that God has for your specific context)
cost of camp
$150 for training plus access to purchase the facilitators workbooks (curriculum) for $25 if you desire.
**If you have a deep desire to be trained, but cost is a large issue, please contact me about possibly fundraising or requesting a partial grant.
If this stirs your heart and you have the desire to come be part of the training, please contact Ashley at artsyashley@hotmail.com or 210.452.4532
We currently are offering the CAMP training as an online course only. Please make sure to check out the info below and subscribe to find out info about retreats and events during the year!