For churches and leaders
Looking for creative ways to engage the people you serve?
Wanting to equip them to serve their communities?
Trying to find spaces to help people listen to the Holy Spirit so they experience God's presence?
We are here to help you!

What is worship art?
We primarily associate worship with music, a band, and singing praise. But what if there's more? What if we could let God speak through live painting and creating so that people experience His love and His heart in a visual and tangible way? This is worship art. Alongside music, dance, or even speaking, live painting and creating is a powerful way to engage all of our senses to be tuned in to the Holy Spirit.
Using the creative arts with your church and teams
We are here to serve you! Whether you have Created facilitate workshops at your next conference or retreat, or bring in an arts facilitator locally to help build team unity, our desire it to come alongside you. We have worked amazing organizations like Barna and Underground Network to facilitate workshops and sessions for conferences. We have been blessed to lead worship art experiences for retreats and events and trained people from around the globe to become arts leaders in their communities. Check out a few of the ways we can work together to get creative with bringing the hope of Christ!

Help strength, encourage and unify your staff and leadership teams through communal creating and reflection

Invite the arts into your next retreat, whether workshop space speaking, training or theraputic

Use our simple face painting training to equip ANY mission trip team with basic skills in face painting to bring as a tool to engage the community on your next trip. (Online training available as well)

Are you looking for new ways to serve your small groups and get them involved? Group sessions are a great way for people to engage with each other in a deeper way, and spend time listening to the Holy Spirit.

Invite the Holy Spirit to speak to hearts through live prophetic art alongside worship or speaking at your next retreat, conference or prayer gathering.

Let us help you train your church body to use the arts to encourage others in a Biblical and simple way that equips THEM to share verses of encouragement along with images to their communities and the rest of the body

Do you have creative people in your congregation, but you're not sure how to help them use their skills for the kingdom? We can come along side you and teach a class or workshop!

Bring families together through creating! Let us help you train your leaders for things like family creative nights that can be done every year!

At your next church retreat or conference, let us show you how simple creative exercises can help the body engage with speakers and worship in a way that is visual and tactile. Whether we lead it for you, or you send us someone we can train, this is a never ending resource that you can use over and over.
How does this work?
Is there a cost?
Yes. And no. Created is a non-profit and we run completely on donations for the services we provide. All sessions are offered without cost to participants, but when churches and leaders invite us in, we request when possible, for donations to cover supplies and time. Sometimes this is covered by the church leadership, other times it is passed on to participants, depending on what is most appropriate for your community. *For live worship art please contact Ashley
What is your statement of belief?
Please feel free to check out our extensive mission and values page to know who you are inviting in! We know it is unlikely we all see eye to on everything, but it's important to us that you know what we are about as we come alongside to serve you. Check it out here:
What if we aren't local in Texas?
First, let us train your people so THEY are the ones leading the charge! We have an online training program that costs $150 (scholarships are available) and those facilitators will then be able to keep leading for you! We have trained close to 150 facilitators globally in over 15 countries.
Do you travel?
yep! For retreats or conferences, Ashley Rogers (Director of Created) is available to speak, train or lead a workshop or session depending on time constraints. Please reach out through our contact form to let us know of your interest.
Also, depending on your country or state, there might be a trained facilitator already near you!
Alright we are interested, what now?
Reach out! Fill out our contact form and let us know how we can help you serve your community. If there is a specific date or event you already have in mind, please include the info in your message. If you aren't sure yet, that's ok too. Ask for a phone call or zoom meeting to collaborate with Ashley in how the creative arts can be best used in your faith community.

Art Ministry