policies and procedures
privacy policy:
Created, as a DBA of I Care Hotline, Inc. holds the privacy and security of our customers in the highest regard. To earn your trust, we respect your privacy in handling personally-identifiable information relating to you and your transactions with us. Any information provided by a customer will be used to process your request, and to identify you within our system. We may use your contact information, including your email, to contact you if we have questions about your request. We may also use your phone number, email address and/or your mailing address to notify you about new services or special promotional programs or send you special offers or information. We do not and will not further access any credit card information you provide, nor do we or will we use information for any purpose beyond fulfilling your request, except as previously stated. We may share personally-identifiable information with law enforcement or other entities as required by law or as we reasonably determine to be necessary to protect our rights or the rights of others, to prevent harm to persons or property, to fight fraud, or to enforce our web site terms of use. As stated above, you may receive periodic mailings with information on new products, services and/or upcoming events if you provide your online mailing address. If you do not wish to receive email from us, please let us know.
Simply provide us with your name exactly as it appears on your mailing label, mailing address, your client number, email address, and notify us that you want your name removed.
refund and cancellation policy:
We understand that Life happens, and you can’t always plan it. If you must cancel and scheduled event for any reason, please contact the director for Created:
Ashley Rogers – 210-452-4532/artsyashley@hotmail.com.
event terms and conditions:
By registering for a Created event, you are hereby granting Created the right to photograph, webcast, telecast, record, reproduce, duplicate print and sell, audio or video recordings. Created has the right to use all testimonials, audio/video recordings and photographs taken at the event at their discretion. Please inform facilitator if you do not wish to be photographed.
training program terms:
Any materials created, produced, distributed and facilitated by Created Ministry is copyrighted and is the property of Created Ministry. It may not be reproduced, distributed or sold. Any resources or training may not be recreated or reproduced. All training, resource videos and documents are for the sole purpose of training others in art ministry, and for teaching others to become facilitators. It is not designed, nor legal to monetize what you have learned by reproducing ideas and remarketing them. Please reach out to Ashley Rogers if you have specific requests or if you are unsure about how to use the resources and training.
thank you!
ashley rogers
Director, Created Ministry