Why we train

for the healing of the nations

Matt 28:19-20 * Rev 22:2 * Psalm 139
We believe that the creative arts are a powerful tool that God has given us to help connect with Him, each other and His heart for all people; they are a life-giving source for the healing and discipleship of the nations.
The Holy Spirit is stirring His people from all over the globe to use these creative tools to share the love of Christ with their local communities. As God sparks desire and anoints, we help equip in the training process. Through the Created Arts Ministry Program, we have created resources, connections and a training program to teach anyone how to facilitate creative sessions and art ministries. We come alongside those that are stepping out in faith in the context God has given them.
Our prayer is that God would continue raise up warriors in all different creative outlets to help bring hope, healing and joy to a hurting and broken world. Please check out all the different aspects of the training below and we would love to have you join us!
Training Testimonials

Created Arts Ministry Program (C.A.M.P.)
what is camp
The purpose of CAMP is a training program to prepare and equip God’s people to use the diverse creative arts as a tool in their communities to bring healing, hope, and the light of Jesus. It is designed to train leaders (anyone with a desire) to guide groups of people or individuals through an artistic process that is encouraging and restorative to the soul.
Created currently offers our online training program that can be done anytime at your own pace! Click the CAMP button for more info on our online training course to become an art facilitator.

For Arts Facilitators
Creative Resources